Sushma - Spirit Animals

Sushma Sagar is a Reiki Master and founder of The Calmery on Harley Street - a place to regain a sense of calm through the power of energy healing. With a vision to provide intelligent energy healing inspired by ancient practices, Sushma has an incredible way of helping people face the challenges of modern life. Having completed her training in Shamanic practices with Alberto Villoido at The Four Winds school, she has created a workshop to help you meet and connect with your Spirit animal. We speak to Sushma to find out how connecting with our Spirit animal can enhance our spiritual wellbeing...

What  is a spirit animal or totem? 

Spirit animals are beings that live in a different realm than our physical world. They come in the form of animals and each bring different attributes and wisdom that would align with the animal that they are. They help us to heal and understand our place in the world, in nature. They are messengers, guardians, protectors and friends to us.


‘Shamanic cultures work with the soul of the earth and her animals; it's a tradition that spans the globe from the beginning of time.’

~ Sushma


Where do these beliefs stem from?

Shamanic cultures work with the soul of the earth and her animals; it's a tradition that spans the globe from the beginning of time. You can find teachings from ancient tribes, for example, The Lakota, The Inuit, Aztec, Yaqui, Mayan, Cherokee, Iroquois, Cheyenne… (too many to mention)  who have historically worked with spirit animals as allies. It’s about a connection with mother earth and all her creatures, something that has been lost in modern civilisation.

How can this enhance our wellbeing and spiritual growth?

By working with animal totems or guides, we are given insights that can help us in our daily lives. The attributes of an animal can remind us where to put our attention, or give us strength in times of difficulty. We can draw on the support and wisdom from these invisible friends. They are powerful protectors - we may have one that stays with us for life, and others that come to support us in a particular period of time. They will help us grow and evolve, they are our spiritual teachers.

How can we find our spirit animal?

You may already have connected with one, which animal are you drawn to, do you see a lot, does a particular one come to you in your dreams? There are lots of clues in waking and sleeping life to help you to meet your animal guide. You can also do a specific meditation or a ‘journey' that will allow you to meet your animal guide in a safe and comfortable way. I host workshops where people can learn to meet and connect with their spirit animals. With guidance, anyone can do it, it’s an amazing experience!

Photography by @LightLeakAuras

Photography by @LightLeakAuras

Can you share a pearl of wisdom with us?

This  is something my spirit animal told me, it works when you are feeling disheartened;
"You only need a seed to grow something very big”

What  is your favourite ritual?

In  the morning when I’ve just woken up, I like to do a a bit of self-energy healing which is like a meditation. It’s a little quiet moment with myself, a gift before the day begins.

How can we follow you and your work?

You can follow me on @thecalmery and at

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I  have a Meet your Spirit Animal workshop on Wednesday 15th January @slc_london

You can also find The Calmery at Silatha Wellbeing Festival on Sunday 26th January @silathajourney for tickets.

Photography by @LightLeakAuras

Photography by @LightLeakAuras


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