Amisha - Intuition

Amisha’s interest lays in where our inner and outer worlds dance. Her podcast, The Future is Beautiful, weaves together Politics, Spirituality, Creativity and Sustainability - to inspire us to rise up, move beyond silos and co-create a Beautiful Future. Amisha speaks to us about her leadership mentor programmes, what practices have helped her navigate the pandemic and her new book Intuition - access your Inner wisdom, trust your instincts, find your path.

Can you tell us about you and your offerings?

What's alive today is that, I am a weaver - I believe that we are not just one thing and that being human is embracing the multitude of our interests and experiences. I talk about leadership in my work, as for me that covers the exploration of what it means to be a human being at this time. I see Leadership as a path of self mastery in relationship to our global collective. I have created a course called The Beautiful Leadership Immersion which is a journey through themes such as sacred activism, decolonisation, embodiment, redefining worth and cultural futurism. Alongside this I have a one to one programme called Presence Leadership Mentoring which is all about clearing subconscious patterns, and opening up the qualities that are dormant within, as well as anchoring in practices and rituals that support these shifts. I bring to this my work in politics, activism and sustainability, along with my inner work and training as an intuitive therapist, energy healer, yoga and meditation teacher. I offer one to one sessions as well as events and retreats. I have a new four week course coming up called Intuitive Flow, where the focus will be on trusting and living from intuition. 


‘Life becomes extraordinary when we live through our intuition, we are listening to our souls’ ~ Amisha


Congratulations on your new book, Intuition. What inspired you to share this work?

Thank you! It has been a real joy to write about Intuition as I feel it's the most important skill of our time. We all have this innate intelligence in us and it's so important for our personal lives and our collective future. It's been shamed and devalued through a violent history which means that we have to dig deeper into ourselves and our trust to cultivate a relationship with it. Life becomes extraordinary when we live through our intuition, we are listening to our souls and living the life that is right for us. Intuition connects us to our dharma (soul purpose) and invites in a more playful and adventurous relationship with life. I believe that intuition helps us to navigate uncertainty better, which is something that we have seen is so important in these times. I find that the key aspect of creating a relationship with your intuition is to do the inner work to be as clear and free as possible, so you don't have so much conditioning and so many blocks stopping you from either listening to your intuition or taking action when you receive insights. 

What practices have helped you navigate through the pandemic?

For me, I have found that yoga, meditation and energy work have been extremely useful for the pandemic. They have given me a strong inner resilience and courage to face what I have needed to in the moment. I refresh my energy a lot by taking walks in nature and feeling the freedom that exists in nature even when we are confined. I have also found that to stay connected to my own creativity and service has kept me optimistic and inspired. In my book, I share 53 of my favourite practices which I feel can really support us in these times.

From Nick Mulvey, Jeff Brown to Charles Eisenstein, you’ve hosted some inspiring conversations on your podcast, The Future is Beautiful. Can you tell us how the podcast came to be?

I started The Future Is Beautiful ten years ago, it was originally called Think Act Vote, and I wanted to start a conversation through creative activism about the importance of how we spend our time, money and energy. It's evolved and deepened in many ways, and when I started the podcast I felt there was a need to have a space that honoured the weave between things - such as politics, spirituality, sustainability and creativity, so we can move out of silos and into an integrated way of being. I felt that having long, deep, authentic conversations was really important - that didn't avoid the complexity of this world and offer quick fixes but instead pondered the deeper questions and the contradictions of finding our way. It's really about the relationship with inner transformation and systemic change, the beauty and the challenges. One thing I am proud of is that we have a multicultural all female team on the show (when podcasting is very male), and that we have a very diverse range of speakers. You mention three white men in your question, but I have made sure that we have had more speakers that identify as women then men, and that we have many people of colour. This way the stories, themes and explorations on the show go way beyond the dominant narrative. It's a membership platform as well as a podcast with a global community, online courses and ways of really embodying the themes we talk about. 

What are your hopes and dreams for the work that you do?

That there are more people in the world that feel empowered to live through their intuition, and trust in their soul visions. That we live in a way that is more connected to the earth. That we do our personal healing work so that future generations are more free. That we co-create a beautiful future that is respectful of people and planet. 

How do you unwind at the end of the day?

I have spent a long time cultivating a day that I don't need to unwind from. It's not always perfect. Some days I need a long bath with epsom salts and oils. Most days I find a smooth transition between work, play and rest as I have practices throughout my day and I love what I do. I made two meditations which you can find on my website and on Insight Timer called Rituals for a Beautiful Morning and Rituals for a Beautiful Evening. 

How can we follow you and your work?

You can find me on Instagram @amishaghadiali and my website is, for the podcast it's @thefutureisbeautiful and 

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