Olivia Iasonos - Human Design
Olivia is a Human Design Analyst and Certified Coach specialising in supporting heart-centred entrepreneurs to expand their unique potential. We find out how Human Design created a shift in Olivia’s own life encouraging her to train in with leading practitioner, Chetan Parkyn, as well as becoming a certified Expansion Coach with Mindful Talent. Here Olivia shares how we can use the same tools to deepen our own self-awareness.
What is Human Design?
Human Design is self-awareness tool that shines a light on how unique we are and celebrates our individuality. It is logical system that helps you understand yourself on a deeper level, offering insight into your unique energetic, psychological, spiritual and emotional makeup. Combining ancient wisdom of Astrology, the Chakra system, the i-Ching and the Kabbalah, it recognises five energy types, similar to the enneagram and Myers Briggs but instead based on your time, date and location of birth. You can look up you free chart generator at MyBodyGraph...On a practical level your chart will show you how you are uniquely designed to make decisions and how to create more satisfaction, peace, success and delight in your life. It highlights your conditioning and gives you tools to realign with your true nature and step into your highest potential.
‘Human Design is self-awareness tool that shines a light on how unique we are and celebrates our individuality.’
How did you come to find this system?
After feeling completely overwhelmed by corporate life as a lawyer, I was seeking to understand myself on a deeper level and discover my purpose. I took a sabbatical from work to travel to South America and discover what I really wanted to do. I spent a short period of time volunteering in the Amazon jungle in Peru and on return decided I wanted to do something more meaningful in my work life. A couple of months later, I discovered the Human Design system. I was so surprised at how accurate my first ever reading was and felt such a huge sense of relief and acceptance, I knew intuitively I would end up working with the system to empower others to feel the same too.
In what way did it create a shift in your life?
It gave me permission to stop chasing things that felt like weren't 'me' and instead lean into my true nature, my unique gifts and how I could share these with others! I developed a deeper sense of self acceptance, self-awareness and built the courage to leave my corporate career and start work as a Human Design Analyst and Certified Coach. Working with my design has allowed me to trust in life and surrender deeply; I feel a level of comfort in knowing as I continue to decondition and work with my natural design, rather than against it, I will be supported. It has allowed me to get comfortable with the mind being the passenger of this experience of life and the body the driver.
What are the different ways Human Design can be used?
There are so many ways to use Human Design.. My preferred is to help heart-centred entrepreneurs grow in their business by trusting in their unique blueprint to bring success. It can also be used to unlock our life purpose, our soul's purpose, understand mechanics of our relationships better, understand how to show up in our work/career in an authentic way and align with our natural gifts. It's a tool that can be used in understanding the dynamics of teams in work environments, which roles individuals thrive best in and how to work together in a way that supports everyone. There's also information in the deeper layers of the chart relating to digestion and our optimum environment.
Do you have any other daily practices that you've found helpful?
Most mornings I start with a little movement then sit down with my journal and a warm drink. After years of waking up and rushing to commute, I move much more slowly and intuitively now. I honour my energy type in working for short periods of time in a very focused way and take many breaks in the day to allow space for creativity to flow in.
Can you tell us about your offerings?
Of course, I currently have the following offerings:
1:1 Human Design Readings: a personal intuitive reading exploring your unique energy type, decision making, natural role, energetic gifts, what makes you unique in this world and your life's work from Human Design perspective.
1:1 Expansion Coaching: a sacred container fusing Human Design and life and business coaching.
Business by Design course: a 10 week course for the soul business owners ready to uplevel in their business using their unique design.
Where can we follow you and your work?
I share a lot about Human Design on my instagram page @i_am_livy_ and my website is where you can learn more about Human Design through podcasts episodes I've been on and how to book in to work with me:www.embodiedhumandesign.com
Photography by @ste_marques