Francesca Secolonovo - Healing

Francesca Secolonovo is a Yoga Instructor and Sound Therapist currently residing by the ocean in Portugal. Having experienced several life lessons back in 2017, including the grief of losing her father, she began her own healing journey. She now shares what she’s learnt along the way for the love of ‘all human hearts’ through practices such as Yin Yoga, Sound Therapy and Meditation.

Where in the world are you currently based?

Currently based in Portugal as I took a slight detour from the winter lockdown in London. But, I am feeling something new brewing so let’s see where I end up next.

What led you to set up your own wellness company?

My ‘why’ essentially is my deep love for all human hearts. Even more a healing heart.

My catalyst was the passing of my dad 4 years ago. That sense of feeling lost, alone, in pain and for me it’s important to create slow nourishing spaces that allow people to feel held because I know from first-hand experience how it feels to be in that space.

In that space of healing, I found inward, slow, reflective practices to be profoundly illuminating for me. Not easy especially as with slowing down welcomes in a sense of presence and initially that was the biggest problem. I wasn't ready to be in the now because that meant being with the discomfort I was feeling.

A path of exploring my own healing and diving deep into many things. Yoga, Meditation, Dance, Plant Medicines, sharing circles...

I learnt so much about myself and in that space of remembering, unlearning, dying, observing and feeling I welcomed all parts of who I am. Community means a lot to me and I mean, how could I not share the practices I so deeply received healing from with others.

Francesca at Re:Mind Studio, London

Francesca at Re:Mind Studio, London

What is your biggest learning?

That most of the time we are needing to do a whole lot of unlearning.

How do you overcome limiting beliefs?

It’s amazing what a couple of deep breaths can do.

I try to push through the thoughts that essentially are trying to keep me safe... telling myself I can’t do something only because I know the root of it is I am afraid to fail. So I remind myself there is no such thing as failure. We just need to keep trying new things and keep learning, refining each effort along the way and not taking ourselves too seriously.

If you could make one wish for the world, what would it be?

That every person on the planet could remember that their body holds all the wisdom they need to know.

What are your favourite soul care practices?

I love working with cacao, sometimes I use it combined with movement or to sit in deep meditation. Obviously, I love to practice Yin and also Yoga Nidra at least a couple of times a week.

Being in Portugal at the moment and with the beach being only a 10min walk away from my home. It is a dream of mine to be so close to the ocean so since I have been here walking along the beach is a frequent thing I love to do. The sound of the ocean is deeply healing and nourishing for me. The sound of the ocean has this ability to wash away a lot of those pointless noise in my head.

How can we follow you and your work?

You can follow me:

Instagram: @francesca_Secolonovo_wellness



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