Immunity Series: Gratitude

‘Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.’ ~ Melody Beattie.

Practicing daily gratitude is a grounding ritual which brings about feelings of happiness and contentment.⠀

Write a list of the things you are grateful for - however big or small.⠀

It could be that you’re grateful to wake up happy, healthy, or blessed with another day. It could be the beauty of the trees and birds outside your window or the simple fact that you are loved (you are.) When you start to think about it, life is full of blessings. Now is the time to slow down and notice what you’re truly thankful for. ⠀

When you do this daily you’ll create a mindset shift.⠀Dr Arden, who specialises in brain based therapy, tells us we can rewire our brain to become more positive. Writing daily gratitude lists ticks every box of his 4 steps to rewire your brain.⠀

FOCUS ~ turning your attention to the job in hand.⠀
EFFORT ~ shifts your attention from perception to action.⠀
EFFORTLESSNESS ~ when a new behaviour has been established.⠀
DETERMINATION ~ stay in practice and take an active role in rewiring your brain.


Immunity Series: Rosemary Ferguson's Vegetable Stew


Mindful Consumption: In conversation with Jemma Finch, founder of Stories Behind Things