Natalia - Natalia Botanicals

Natalia’s Great, Great Grandmother was a herbalist (she lived to 107 years old) and her Great, Great Grandfather was a sweet maker - her heritage lends itself beautifully to the creation of Natalia Botanicals. A series of elixirs to add to teas, smoothies or even cake for an Ayurvedic sense of balance for your whole being. Whether you want to improve your hair, skin or sleep, Natalia has an adaptogen mix for you. Having drastically improved her own health with adaptogens, she goes on to help heal others in the same way.

What inspired you to create Natalia Botanicals?

I had been suffering from an autoimmune disease called Ulcerative Colitis for 10 years and tried every diet and most pharmaceutical drugs which masked the symptoms but never really tackled all the other little things. I became very anxious, often had panic attacks and later developed hives. Just when I felt like I had exhausted all healing modalities, my Grandfather suggested I tried herbs for overall well-being. To my surprise, they worked quite quickly and I haven’t looked back since. I began sharing my healing journey by incorporating herbs into my diet and daily routine and I realised I wasn’t alone. I began receiving numerous messages from people trying to improve their mood and sleep better. We can’t always control situations around us, but the future of stress management is the ability to adapt and to avoid chronic stress which often leads to chronic disease of the brain (neuro conditions, brain fog, mental illness, anxiety) and body (digestive disorders, skin issues, hormonal imbalances, inflammation). 


‘The beauty of adaptogens is that they work with your needs and adapt their function accordingly, giving you more of what you need at any specific time.’ ~ Natalia


What are adaptogens and how can they help us?

Adaptogens are a class of herbs, roots and mushrooms which may help your body find homeostasis and adapt to physical, emotional or environmental stress more efficiently. They sound like a trendy wellness hero, but they have been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine. The beauty of adaptogens is that they work with your needs and adapt their function accordingly, giving you more of what you need at any specific time. For example, if you are dealing with allergies, Reishi mushrooms (also known as the mushroom of Immortality) may help to calm an overactive, heightened immune system as they contain Triterpenes which inhibit histamine cell release and help eliminate allergic reactions. 

What is your favourite adaptogen and why?

I’m fascinated by Lion’s Mane mushrooms which are large white mushrooms and quite literally resemble a lion’s mane. The pompom shaped shroom may help to stimulate the growth of nerve growth factors (NGF), improve short/long term memory, reduce inflammation in the digestive tract, relieve anxiety, strengthen the nervous system and enhance concentration. I use Lion’s Mane mushrooms synergistically with other herbs and mushrooms in three elixirs in the range; Rise & Shine (for natural energy), Goal Digger (for cognitive function) and Serene Goddess (for restorative calm). I particularly love Serene Goddess for its calming yet focus enhancing effects, which have been used by Buddhist monks for centuries to sharpen concentration during meditation. 


What is your favourite ritual?

I dislike forcing myself into a ritual and instead allow the universe to guide me towards a ritual which is nurturing. I love my morning alkalising matcha made with hot water, macadamia oil and a dose of Serene Goddess. I schedule 10 minutes in my day to make a juice with lots of organic ginger, cucumber, coriander, celery, any other greens in my fridge and whichever adaptogens elixir I feel called to. It must be the alchemist in me. 

Do you practice any other form of self-care?

I love a good face mask! I often use Eternal Optimist and Marie Reynold’s Anoint oil mixed into a paste. I love how bright and smooth my skin is in just 10 minutes. Sound therapy also plays a huge role in my healing journey and no matter how busy my day is, I dedicate 10 minutes to non-doing and enjoying pure relaxation with my quartz crystal singing bowl. 

How can we follow you and your work?

I love interacting with people and helping them start or add to their journey with such simple moves.

You can follow me on Instagram @natalia.botanicals


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