Jade - Astral Projection

Jade is a teacher, speaker and advocate of altered states - namely Astral Projection (also known as Out of Body Experience). After a 12 year career in the Arts as Dance Choreographer Jade experienced a life transforming OBE which set the scene for a radical shift in vocation. She begun to explore the practice of spiritual and conscious growth through pilgrimages in India, leading workshops and researching OBE as part of her Msc in Transpersonal Psychology. Guided by Lama Yeshe Rinpoche (Tibetan Buddhist master) and mentored by Graham Nicolls, author and expert of OBE, Jade’s mission is to spread awareness of this ancient practice to open the doors to growth, healing and spiritual awakening.

What is Astral Projection?

It is a self-initiated out of body experience which is an experience of consciousness expanding beyond the body and journeying within non-physical realities.

It happens in an altered state of awareness which is any non-ordinary form of human perception. This can occur in deep relaxation, trance, hypnosis, meditation or on the cusp of sleep in the hypnogogic (falling asleep) and hypnopompic (waking up) states. 

Its defined by a visceral feeling of 'separation' from the body, then finding oneself in an 'energy' or 'second' body away from the physical one (although one is sometimes just a point of awareness), and then travelling to different places. The precursor to this experience is often the transitory vibrational stage. Afterwards the person usually has no connection to the physical body - in fact just thinking of it can one bring 'back' sometimes with a 'crash' landing during the 're-entry). 

Spontaneous experiences happen at random - often when the person is at a crossroads in their life or in need of change or guidance. However self-initiated experiences have been practiced by over 50 traditions world-wide.

This practice enables one to connect with people, places and events outside of ordinary time and space for healing, knowledge and guidance. 


1.Forced - extreme circumstances provoke one such as the body being compromised (e.g. on the operating table, car accident etc), women in labour, high anxiety etc)

2. Spontaneous - happens at random/unexpected often during meditation, sleep states, relaxation.

3. Self-initiated - purposely brought on through spiritual practice.

Forced OBEs are usually 'survival' based, whilst spontaneous and self-initiated OBEs are 'evolutionary'. 

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‘Everyone can learn Astral Projection, it’s a human ability available to all of us.’ ~ Jade


Can you share an Out-Of-Body experience story with us?

I shot through the sky at super-sonic speed, slingshot into the universe like I’d just boarded a cosmic roller coaster. Knowing I was being sent to somewhere of significance I repeated ‘surrender, surrender surrender’ as I allowed myself to ‘go with’ the experience. The intensity began to subside when I approached the cusp of earth, I was met with the deafening silence of space and a profound stillness washed over me. I gathered my bearings and found myself overcome with awe, I was mesmerised by drifting meteors hanging in space like sleeping giants. Distant stars beckoned as I was soon called to witness something beyond my own beliefs that made me question the very purpose of Astral Projection.

Did you know 'Awe' is one of the most common emotions during Astral Projection? It is also a key 'feeling' that evokes self-transcendance. In fact, in 2003 psychologists Haidt and Keltner published a landmark scientific study on the social and emotional functions of awe. They said that 'it appeared to increase people’s feelings of 'connectedness and willingness to help others’ and that moments of awe could be one of the most swift, powerful and permanent ways to personal change’.

How can we use this as a practice for self-growth?

The Overview Effect

Standing on the moon and looking back at the world as a distant blue dot transformed the life of astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. This happened on July 20th 1969 when their mission to the moon made history and spaceflight into the cosmos was possible! We had gone beyond the boundaries of our earth's atmosphere.

“You see how diminutive your life and concerns are compared to other things In the universe...the result is that you enjoy the life that is before you … it allows you to have inner peace.”  Edward Gibson (Astronaut & Skylab 4 pilot)

“You develop an instant global consciousness, a people orientation, an intense dissatisfaction with the state of the world, and a compulsion to do something about it'.  Edgar Mitchell (Astronaut Apollo 14).

Just as astronauts are transformed when they look back at the planet from outer space, when we look back at our physical body our perspective changes. 


My top five benefits: 

1. Spiritual Awakening
Receive life insights & realisations, tap into a higher universal awareness.

2. Interconnectedness 
Connect with people and places beyond ordinary space and time.

3. Healing self and others
Help yourself and others to heal from psychological pain.

4. Transforming Fears & Limitations
Transform fear reactive patterns and overcome limitations in everyday life.

5. Conscious Dying
Release the fear of dying and cultivate compassion at the point of death. 

This is because Astral Projection often happens spontaneously when the person is at a crossroads in their life or in need of change or guidance. 

It is an evolutionary phenomena that when practiced consistently can lead to ‘self-actualisation’, a term popularised by psychologist Abraham Maslow in his famous ‘Hierarchy of Needs’ model. This shows that the drive to realise ones potential and live a fulfilled life is inherent in all humans.

The qualities that springboard this self-growth are intrinsic to the application of Astral Projection which is utilised by world-wide traditions such as Tibetan Buddhism and the Ancient Mexican Toltecs. Its used to face & embrace fears, release limiting self-beliefs, connect to inner guidance, transcend ego and for conscious dying.

What would you tell someone who hasn’t yet experienced Astral Projection?

We sleep for a third of our life, that’s around 30 years! So, let’s use this time to enlighten our relationships, transform our fears, shape our career and heal our psyche. Everyone can learn Astral Projection, it’s a human ability available to all of us.

What inspires you?

The innate goodness of the human spirit shining through in moments of crisis.

Jade speaking at Mindvalley University, Croatia.

Jade speaking at Mindvalley University, Croatia.

What is your favourite ritual?

It actually happens in the women's toilet! Just before I go on stage I do speaking ritual in the mirror for confidence where I invoke the power and energy of strong female figures. I ask them to give me the three CCC's - confidence, clarity and courage to communicate my message to the best of my ability to that specific audience. This really helped me last summer before I walked out on stage to be interviewed by Vishen Lakhiani at Mindvalley University in Croatia.

Do you practice any other forms of self care in your week?

Mindfulness and shadow work, getting to know our own mind and the parts of ourselves that have been pushed into darkness helps illuminate our light.

How can we follow you and your work?

Instagram: jade_shaw_astral_teacher
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jadeshawastralteacher/?ref=bookmarks
Website: www.jadeshaw.com


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