Millana - Wellness Official

Former New Yorker now living in LA, Millana Snow is an energy healer, meditation teacher and entrepreneur. She is founder of; an online community and marketplace revolutionising the wellness industry by democratising holistic wellness for practitioners and brands globally. Here we learn about Millana’s journey…

How and when did you discover energy healing?

I feel energy healing was always there and something I would subconsciously tap into as a kid, I believe we all have it and at some point many of us just stopped believing that. It wasn’t until a friend did Reiki on me that I realized it was time to formally learn. 

Have you always had a strong connection or awareness to your own spirituality?

Yes, since I can remember! I have always felt and practiced my spirituality, from astral traveling as young as 5 to hypnotizing my friends in 4th grade. It seems that I was primed in some natural way at a very young age. 


What made you decide to leave your career in entertainment and fashion and start your own wellness brand, Wellness Official?

It wasn’t until I won Project Runway that everything changed. That was a spiritual experience. Maybe a story for another time! The two years that followed were a journey out of the entertainment and fashion world, and into deeper connection with myself and the representation of my values. In just two years of winning project runway, I finally started doing rooftop yoga at The James Hotel organizing amazing teachers and inviting friends from all over the world, that was the beginning of what Wellness Official is today.

How has your energy healing work developed over time and do you have a clear mission path ahead?

From the very first day that I received my Reiki One training, I knew that I wanted to spread energy healing to as many people as possible. More importantly I wanted people to know that they have the power to heal themselves and others. I didn’t want to proselytise that, I just wanted to share to those who are ready to heal. That is, and has been, my vision. Overtime I have found ways to extend my reach so that more people can see that they have this ability and gift within them as well. First it started out as private sessions, then group sessions in small classes, now I reach a few thousand a year through online streaming and large scale group sessions. I love it, it feels true to who I am. 


Do you incorporate any other wellness routines into your day?

Breathwork and a regular stream of checking in through inquiry. I spend time feeling gratitude and praying. 

What does your typical day look like?

I don’t have a typical day, I have to be very flexible because I work with people all over the world and that is never something that looks the same day to day. Beyond my healing practice, I work with developers and other countries for the wellness official website and I have a large team between New York London and LA so I try to balance all of this. Which means I have to be in the flow but I also keep a very tight and strongly organized calendar. It’s important that I move, break a sweat, meditate and pray multiple times a day and spend lots of time off my phone!

What is your favourite Ritual?

Breathwork! I teach this in my online group and practice it myself. 

How can we follow and learn from your work?

Please follow me on @Millanasnow and the @wellnessofficial instagram accounts! You can also find out more about me and book a distance or in person session at and on 


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