Ben - Good Grief

Ben May is a Barber, owner of Barber + Blow, Cyclist and recent co-founder to Good Grief - a support group for those who have experienced loss and are navigating their way through their grief. In the midst of Mental Health Awareness month, there was no better time to hear about the work of Good Grief and how it’s helping to keep the conversation going. While it may sometimes seem that the route to wellness is an overwhelming tick-list of yoga, meditation, celery juice or energy healing - sometimes all you need is a good cup of tea and a chat.

What is Good Grief? 

Good Grief is a peer to peer support network for young adults who have been bereaved. A network of people who want support and to support others through their journey and their grieving process. 

Why did you set it up?

My friend jack and I both lost our fathers younger than we should have done but in our friendship found the support we needed to help one another. We realised others might not have that same relationship with a friend or a loved one and decided that we should try and connect people. Good Grief is what it became. 


What keeps you motivated to spread the word and work of Good Grief?

I don’t think it’s hard to stay motivated when you believe in something the way we believe in GG. So many people suffer in silence with grief. Because it’s such a common occurrence we tend to ignore those who need help and so it’s easy to want to keep helping. Plus I am also grieving still, I always will be. The meetings help me as well and I know they help Jack. You’re never over your grief so we will never stop. 

Who can benefit from your group meetups?

We say young adults, so essentially 18-40 but of course we don’t discriminate. If you’ve lost someone and you would like to talk about it then we are there for that. 

You juggle multiple roles across Good Grief, Barber + Blow and cycling. What does your average week look like? How do you fit it all in?!

Ha! Yes, I’m quite antisocial while still being quite social some how. My race season has just begun so my average week consists of cutting hair Tuesday to Friday, then fortnightly we have GG meet ups, and I race once or twice a week. When I have spare time I usually sit and eat and do little else. My bike is my way of taking time for me and it’s very important I get that. My mental health has become the most important thing to me in recent years and I think that I have just about managed to find the balance...maybe. 


What is your dream goal?

I don’t really have a goal. I think at one time maybe I did but now I have a desire to simplify my existence and I think that’s not too far off now. If I can work a little less, help others a little more and ride my bike I’ll be happy. I don’t want for anything but of course wouldn’t mind a few things. Though that simply is a little bit more peace and quiet. 


Do you practice any other wellness routines?

Disappointingly I don’t no. I used to try and meditate, and perhaps I should again, but I fail to find the time. Which is also an awful excuse...

What is your favourite ritual?

My first tea of the day! Ha! It’s a wonderfully peaceful moment. Only for a second. Just as the world begins to turn again and you wake. There’s little better...

How can people follow your work and get involved?

You can find us @the_new_normal_charity on Instagram. People are welcome to get in touch and help however they like. I personally would advise coming to a meeting and finding out who we are first. 


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Millana - Wellness Official