Eve Kalinik - Gut Health

Eve Kalinik is a Nutritional therapist, Gut Health Specialist, Consultant and Author of ‘Be Good to Your Gut’ and this year’s ‘Happy Gut, Happy Mind: How to Feel Good From Within.’ After experiencing issues with her own health she found the answers she needed through nutritional therapy and functional medicine. Eve has gone on to help others find their way to achieve optimal health with a balanced and functional approach that supports the body and most notably the gut.

Why is gut health so important?

Well as Hippocrates, deemed the father of medicine famously said “all disease begins in the gut” and as we have discovered in more recent years the health of the gut has a pivotal role in our overall health and wellbeing. A lot of this is due to the trillions (yes trillions!) of microbes that live in the gut and their genetic material, collectively referred to as the gut microbiome. As our knowledge and understanding on the gut and the gut microbiome gains more and more traction we know that this has an intrinsic role on our immune system, managing inflammation in the body, supporting the gut-brain connection which has implications in mood disorders and cognitive conditions and much more. 

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‘The gut is the only organ outside of the brain that can operate independently. This is because it has its own ‘brain’ in the form of the enteric nervous system.’ ~ Eve


It's said that the gut is considered to be ‘the second brain’? How so?

The gut is the only organ outside of the brain that can operate independently. This is because it has its own ‘brain’ in the form of the enteric nervous system. This could also be extended to include the trillions of 'mini minds' in the form of our gut microbiome (the trillions of microbes that reside in our gut) that have a crucial role to play in the gut-brain connection. This is an area of gut health that has been of particular interest for me and hence why I decided to write my second book to focus on this called HAPPY GUT, HAPPY MIND. 

Where do we start when addressing our own gut health?

Firstly we need to understand that our gut is completely unique to each of us so what works for someone won’t necessarily work for another. The other thing to be mindful around that there is no one component or panacea to gaining ‘optimum gut health’. Caring for our gut depends on multiple pillars including food, sleep, mindfulness and movement so we have to consider all of these in a multi-factorial approach. However on a very basic food focused level nourishing our gut requires sufficient amounts and a diversity of fibre in the diet that helps to keep things moving regularly and also provides crucial fuel for our gut microbes. Fibre is found in all plant-based foods including vegetables, fruits, nuts & seeds and whole grains. Aside from quantity (guidelines indicate around 30g per day for adults) it is important to think about variety - aiming for 6-7 different types per day across these groups. In real terms that could equate to one piece of fruit, six portions of vegetables, two servings of wholegrains and three portions of nuts & seeds. Initially that might seem an arduous task but adding a spoonful of nut butter to porridge oats, along with a serving of berries, sprinkling seeds over soups or salads and aiming for a mix of three different type of veggies at lunch/dinner and you have pretty much hit this quota! Note: if someone does suffer from IBS they might find that certain types or too much fibre can trigger symptoms so if thats the case they should work with a qualified practitioner who can help guide them through this. 

What is your favourite gut-friendly recipe?

It has to be something fermented really and given my Polish lineage I would have to say my grandfather’s sauerkraut recipe which is a riff on the basic version. I also enjoy making my own sourdough which, because it is based on a culture starter can be easier on the gut and more so I think tastes incredible! And for an easy but delicious supper one of my go to dishes is the Harissa chicken with lemon and pomegranate recipe from my second book HAPPY GUT, HAPPY MIND that is due out 27th August and available for pre-order on Amazon and Waterstones now - link here 

Photography by Nassima Rothacker.

Photography by Nassima Rothacker.

Can you share a tip for managing nutrition and our gut health?

I like to come from nutrition and gut health from an entirely positive place. Think about what you can add in food wise as much as possible rather than removing and nourish rather than restricting. 

What is your favourite ritual?

My morning coffee

How can we follow you and your work?

My Instagram account is my most active channel @evekalinik and I also send out a newsletter via my website www.evekalinik.com where you can sign up and also find out more about my practise and plenty of gut-loving recipes! 


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