Felicity Weston: We are the Healers. We are the Medicine.

Along the holistic healing path, it becomes increasingly clear, in fact obvious, that the cause of un-ease within the body is essentially emotion from unhealed trauma.

Yet, for anyone who has not stepped - or jumped - into holistic or alternative healing, the understanding and wisdom is long forgotten! And even when we jump in and connect with this body wisdom, there is a LOT of unlearning to do, before we can fully trust.

Our Western medical system is incredible in so many ways, particularly for physical traumas caused by accidents. However, when it comes to chronic illness, Western medicine seems to come unstuck – the medicines provided are generally symptom blockers (usually leaving us with new symptoms!), and masking the dis-ease, rather than healing.

We've not been guided too well when it comes to dis-ease. Western medicine still treats us as though we are machines - for the most part. Despite the fact that quantum physics discovered that we are/everything is energy, in (I believe) 1925! ⁣

When it comes to dis-ease, there is a huge part of the puzzle missing. And that is ENERGY.

And energy is what we are – it is our essence.

Despite our bodies’ being made up of blood, skin, bones and organs – we are 99.9999999% empty space!

Within this empty space is our energetic system – that is, for most people – intangible and invisible, which is why it is largely ignored. And when this system is running well, life force energy can travel around our body, just as it should, feeding us and keeping us well. That is what our system does – it heals us.

However, a problem may arise when our energetic system becomes blocked. And this blockage is due to trapped energy from trauma and the unhealed.

Emotion is energy… in… motion.

And so, it only moves through expression. Through moving it.

If we do not express it - that is - healthily dispel the energy, it becomes trapped within our bodies, and causes a blockage within our energetic system – this blockage leads to associated body parts not receiving as much life force energy as they need, and it is THIS that can lead to physical problems, and dis-ease.

When we are faced with trauma (of any kind) our body goes into fight or flight mode. And an abundance of energy is produced for us to do this. However, we rarely run or fight... more often we freeze - literally, or at least the energy becomes frozen, and then trapped. ⁣

When an animal in the wild faces trauma, if they survive they will take themselves off & shake the energy out of their body. They shake the trauma out of their body. We actually see dogs do this all the time, yet perhaps don't connect to what they are actually doing in those moments. Say another dog on a lead barks at them, and tries to come at them in rage... (of course the dog will feel a little rattled/traumatised, as we all would) a few minutes later the dog will shake to rid the energy from their body. ⁣

Once upon a time we humans knew to do the same. However this wisdom was lost somewhere. ⁣But we can bring it back. We are bringing it back! ⁣There are so many healing modalities that do just this, shift blocked energies – movement medicine, breathwork, and energy work! Shakti shaking (intentional shaking and energy movement) is a tool I often use during clearing and healing ceremonies. And once you get past the seeming "weirdness" of what you are doing, it feels... oh...SO...good. ⁣

Sometimes during 1-2-1 energy healing my clients will experience involuntary twitching, and sometimes even full body convulsion. This sounds quite scary, but during the process most people don't become fearful. They can somehow connect that it is needed, and thus allow. Healing happens in SO many ways, oftentimes it is far more subtle. But I always find it incredible when a body goes into this process during a healing.

So how else can we healthily dispel & express emotion? ⁣You may be happy to know there are an abundance of ways! ⁣

Intentional Movement & shaking... yes.

But also, the voice through communication. Shouting, screaming, making all kinds of "free" noises (preferably not directed at any "one" in particular of course, although naturally sometimes we slip!)⁣ We also express through tears - perhaps the most beautiful & purest form of release. Can we take a moment to consider how incredible it is that our bodies' create these tiny droplets of liquid/elixir, as a form of releasing energy! We may also express through art, creation, dance... and so on. I believe the list is almost infinite. ⁣With this knowledge, we can seek to make a change and a promise to ourselves, from here on out. ⁣Let us not allow anything to stay stuck. ⁣Let us find multiple forms of expression to ensure we are continuously releasing that which doesn’t serve us. ⁣Allowing it to move through us in the transient nature it is meant. ⁣But what about the years and years of trauma still within our body? ⁣

Here's where energy healing tools come in.

For example, during an energy healing you receive focused life force energy (pure love & light) through a conduit, which naturally flows into your body through your energetic system, to (re) move blockages. ⁣Super important note... It is not the energy that heals you. It is the removal of these blockages through focused energy that enables our body to heal itself. ⁣

We are our own healers. ⁣

We are our medicine.⁣

Let us remember!

I think the best advice I could give is to create a movement practice each morning where they simply shake and bounce – intuitively and with intention, to clear their energy!

It’s simple – yet life-changing. Add to this, some form of breathwork for 5-10 minutes – and life will truly never be the same again!

You can follow Felicity Weston’s work at

Instagram: www.instagram.com/ookushana
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ookushana
Personal website: www.felicityweston.com
Ookushana website: www.ookushana.com

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‘We are our own healers.

We are our medicine.
Let us remember”

~ Felicity


Carina - Cici’s Ayurveda


Eve Kalinik - Gut Health